Dr Lisa Cooney: Regulation Thermometry whilst running Access Bars®

What the Body Knows and What the Body Shows

Research project from Dr Lisa Cooney using Regulation Thermometry to illustrate the changes a 75 minute Bars session creates in the body.

What would we see if we put them together?

Verifiable evidence to show the physiological changes that the Access Consciousness® body process - Access Bars® creates.

Access Consciousness® uses a hands-on process called Access Bars® in a 75 minute session to create change for the person and their body.

Thermometry provides an accurate picture of the whole body and any toxicity blocking healthy regulation to create change.

Thermometry is a breakthrough in biological medicine. The results are clinically proven to identify factors that can contribute to detection of disease often years before diagnosis. Originating in Germany, it is used in both orthodox and integrative medicine by medical and naturopath doctors and dentists the world over. It’s advanced technology is supported by leaders in the fields of radiology, neurobiology, biological medicine, and infrared medical technology.

Thermometry is being used ONLY to illustrate physiological changes that occur in the body with Access Bars® not as a diagnostic tool in this research.